Δευτέρα 22 Αυγούστου 2011

Tackling child poverty through supporting and strengthening families

Conference date: 30th November – 2nd December 2011
Location: Cardiff, Wales
Co-host: Children in Wales
Eurochild – the European network of organisations promoting the rights and welfare of children in Europe – takes the opportunity of its8th annual conference to look at how family support impacts on children's well-being and outcomes. We will focus on supporting the most vulnerable families and children from an empowerment perspective. The UN CRC principles will underpin this conference, which is co-hosted by Children in Wales, a founding member of Eurochild.
Child poverty prevents children and young people from achieving their full potential and autonomy, and affects their health, their personal development, their education and their general well-being. Child poverty is often passed from one generation to the next, at huge cost to society due to lost social and human capital. Eurochild believes that supporting and strengthening families most in need is crucial for tackling child poverty and breaking the intergenerational transmission of disadvantage.
This conference has five overarching objectives:
  • Share 'inspiring practice' from across the UK and Europe in integrated family support services.
  • Gain knowledge & understanding on how family support impacts on children’s well-being and outcomes and is underpinned by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
  • Ensure the voices of children and parents who have benefitted from support services are heard and listened to.
  • Strengthen collaboration and exchange among policy makers, practitioners and researchers in children’s rights and well-being across Europe.
  • Provide inputs to EU policy debates on fighting child poverty, promoting children’s rights and well-being, and on supporting and strengthening families.

Register now to benefit from the Early Bird rate!
Conference fee:
  • Up to 30 September 2011:  150 € for Eurochild members, 180 € for Non-members
  • As of 1 October 2011:  170 € for Eurochild members, 200 € for Non-members
  • Day-Ticket: 80 GBP
  • Accommodation: 105-115 € / night

» Programme: Click here.
» Registration: Click here.

Looking forward to meeting you in Cardiff!

Παρασκευή 5 Αυγούστου 2011

Αναρρωτήριο Πεντέλης (ΠΙΚΠΑ) Εκπαιδευτικό Πρόγραμμα 2011-2012

Εισαγωγή σε Ψυχαναλυτικές Έννοιες
Εκπαιδευτικό Πρόγραμμα 2011-2012
Τρίτη  13:30 – 15:00
Αίθουσα εκδηλώσεων, Αναρρωτήριο Πεντέλης (ΠΙΚΠΑ)
 04/10/2011 Συνάντηση Νευροβιολογίας, Εξελικτικής Ψυχολογίας                      και Ψυχανάλυσης
 18/10/2011 Ψυχαναλυτική διαδικασία και θεραπευτική αλλαγή.
 01/11/2011 Η μεταβίβαση στην Ψυχαναλυτική Ψυχοθεραπεία Παιδιού
• 15/11/2011 Η έννοια της Αντιμεταβίβασης
 29/11/2011 Βασικές έννοιες της Μεταψυχολογίας
 13/12/2011 Βασικές έννοιες της Μεταψυχολογίας
 10/01/2012 Αντικείμενα και Αντικειμενότροπες Σχέσεις
 24/01/2012 Ναρκισσισμός
 07/02/2012 Μηχανισμοί Άμυνας
 21/02/2012 Σχετικά με την σκέψη
 06/03/2012 Σχετικά με την σκέψη
 20/03/2012 Συμβολισμός
 03/04/2012 Σεξουαλικότητα
 24/04/2012 Επιθετικότητα
• 08/05/2012 Φθόνος
• 22/05/2012 Οιδιπόδειο

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